From the deepest purples to palest blues
You light our lives in iridescent ways,
Olivia of the lovely red shoes.
Through your life all colours are yours to choose,
Blaze, blaze them through the spectrum of your days,
From the deepest purples to palest blues.
May you walk a rainbow of all the hues,
A beautiful prism for the brightest rays,
Olivia of the lovely red shoes.
And though for us all colours slowly ooze
Into black night, for you all colour stays,
From the deepest purples to palest blues.
Flowers that blossom through Dylan’s green fuse
Will petal you, colour you, with their praise,
Olivia of the lovely red shoes.
May every golden sunrise meet your gaze
And bring you days when colours burst and blaze
From the deepest purples to palest blues,
Olivia of the lovely red shoes.